Meadowhall Shopping Centre is the location for CDComics first Surreal Murder Mystery...
It's available in two 32 page parts to download or in full on CDrom from several shops in Sheffield.
That's Sheffield's Space Centre on the Wicker, Broomhill's Galaxy 4 or Record Collector, Blackwells on Mappin Street or Rare and Racey opposite Devonshire Green priced £2.50
The download price varies, but the sites are
Drive Thru Comics:
Barnes & Noble:
Alternatively, you could try the second in the series, set mainly in Attercliffe and the city centre of Sheffield. It's also available to download or in shops.
Or the third in the series, Football Crazy, which is available in blue or red and white for Blades and Owls fans
Part One of the 4th story in the Surreal Murder Series set in Sheffield's Banner Cross has just been released on the download sites.
And for those who prefer a little less macabre horror and a little more history, you can find Eyam and Stainless Steel in the shops or at the websites listed above, plus Stainless is also on sale at the Millennium Gallery Shop in the Winter Gardens. And Robin Hood is a political action thriller, set mainly in Sheffield, well he was from Loxley...